Declaration of the World Nuclear Victims Forum in Hiroshima(Draft Elements of a Charter of World Nuclear Victims’ Rights)

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Declaration of the World Nuclear Victims Forum in Hiroshima

(Draft Elements of a Charter of World Nuclear Victims’ Rights)


November 23, 2015


  1. We, participants in the World Nuclear Victims Forum, gathered in Hiroshima from November 21 to 23 in 2015, 70 years after the atomic bombings by the US government.
  2. We define the nuclear victims in the narrow sense of not distinguishing between victims of military and industrial nuclear use, including victims of the atomic bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and of nuclear testing, as well as victims of exposure to radiation and radioactive contamination created by the entire process including uranium mining and milling, and nuclear development, use and waste. In the broad sense, we confirm that until we end the nuclear age, any person anywhere could at any time become a victim=a potential Hibakusha, and that nuclear weapons, nuclear power and humanity cannot coexist.
  3. We recall that the radiation, heat and blast of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki sacrificed not only Japanese but also Koreans, Chinese, Taiwanese and people from other countries there as a result of Japan’s colonization and invasion, and Allied prisoners of war. Those who survived “tasted the tortures of hell.” We pay tribute to the fact that the Hibakusha question the responsibility of the Japanese government which conducted a war of aggression; call for recognition of the right to health and a decent livelihood; have achieved some legal redress and continue to call for state redress to be clearly incorporated within the Atom Bomb Victims Relief Law; struggle to guarantee the rights of those who experienced the atomic bombings yet are not recognized as Hibakusha; and call not only for nuclear weapons abolition but also oppose nuclear power restarts and exports, and demand adequate assistance for nuclear power plant disaster victims.
  4. We noted that through the international conferences on the humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons held in Oslo in 2013 and in Nayarit and Vienna in 2014, the understanding is widely shared internationally that the detonation of nuclear weapons would cause catastrophic harm to the environment, human health, welfare and society; would jeopardize the survival of the human family; and adequate response is impossible. We warmly welcome the Humanitarian Pledge endorsed by 121 states, pledging to fill the legal gap for the prohibition and elimination of nuclear weapons. We support the adoption in early November 2015 at the UN General Assembly First Committee, by an overwhelming majority of 135 in favor with only 12 opposed, of a resolution convening an open-ended working group “to substantively address concrete effective legal measures… and norms that will need to be concluded to attain and maintain a world without nuclear weapons.”
  5. We acknowledge that the mining and refining of uranium, nuclear testing, and the disposal of nuclear waste are being carried out based on ongoing colonization, discriminatory oppression, and infringement of indigenous peoples’ rights, including their rights to relationships with their ancestral land. These activities impose involuntary exposure to radiation and contaminate the local environment. Thus, the local populations are continually and increasingly deprived of the basic necessities for human life with ever more of them becoming nuclear victims.
  6. We also reconfirmed that every stage of the nuclear chain contaminates the environment and damages the ecosystem, causing a wide array of radiation-related disorders in people and other living beings. Through the experience of the nuclear disasters at Chernobyl and Fukushima, we see that nuclear accidents inevitably expose entire populations living near the power plants and the workers assigned to cope with the accident to harmful levels of radiation, and that adequate response to such a disaster is impossible. We further see that radioactive contamination is inevitably a global phenomenon. We know that “military” and “industrial” nuclear power are intimately connected within a unified nuclear industry, and that every stage of the nuclear chain, including the use of depleted uranium weapons, creates large numbers of new nuclear victims.
  7. Complete prevention of nuclear chain related disasters is impossible. No safe method exists for disposing of ever-increasing volumes of nuclear waste. Nuclear contamination is forever, making it utterly impossible to return the environment to its original state. Thus, we stress that the human family must abandon its use of nuclear energy.
  8. We acknowledge that the Atomic Bomb Trial against the State of Japan (the Shimoda Case; December 1963) found that the US military violated international law in dropping the atomic bombs, and that the advisory opinion issued by the International Court of Justice stated that “there exists an obligation to pursue in good faith and bring to a conclusion negotiations leading to nuclear disarmament in all its aspects under strict and effective international control” (July 1996). We support the Marshall Islands, whose people have suffered the effects of intensive nuclear testing, in bringing this issue back to the Court in April 2014 through filing cases against nine nuclear armed states. Furthermore, we recall the World Conference of Nuclear Victims which pursued criminal liability on the part of the nuclear weapon states and the nuclear industry (New York Resolution, 1987), and that the military industrial complex was found to have the responsibility of providing damages compensation (Berlin Resolution, 1992). In addition, we confirm that the International People’s Tribunal on the Dropping of Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki found all 15 defendants guilty, including President Truman (July 2007).
  9. We emphasize that all states that promote nuclear energy, the operators that cause radioactive contamination, and the manufacturers of nuclear facilities including nuclear power plants must bear liability for damages done, as do their shareholders and creditors. We are gravely concerned that the export of nuclear power plants is extremely likely to result in severe human rights abuses and environmental damage.
  10. We accuse the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) of underestimating the harm done by radiation exposure and hiding the true effects of nuclear power accidents. We demand the abolition of the IAEA’s mandate to “promote the peaceful use of nuclear power”.
  11. We have identified that the military-industrial-government-academic complex and states that support it have, through the use of nuclear energy, degraded the foundations of human life, and violated the right to life of all living beings. We assert that the acts of members of this complex violate fundamental principles of international humanitarian, environmental and human rights law.
  12. We condemn the Japanese government for failing to learn from the Fukushima disaster, without carrying out adequate investigations into the facts and impacts, hiding and trivializing the damage, and cutting off assistance to the victims, while investing in the restart and export of nuclear power plants. We oppose the building, operating or exporting of nuclear power plants or any industrial nuclear facility in Japan or any other country.
  13. We call for the termination of uranium mining, milling, nuclear fuel production, nuclear power generation and reprocessing, and for the abolition of the entire nuclear chain.
  14. We call for the urgent conclusion of a legally binding international instrument which prohibits and provides for the elimination of nuclear weapons.
  15. We call for the prohibition of manufacture, possession and use of depleted uranium weapons.
  16. With the momentum of this World Nuclear Victims Forum, we confirm our desire to continue to cooperate in solidarity and share information regarding nuclear victims, and disseminate our message through various methods including art and media.
  17. Thus, as a result of this World Nuclear Victims Forum and in order to convey to the world the draft elements of a World Charter of the Rights of Nuclear Victims, we adopt this Hiroshima Declaration.



Draft Elements of a World Charter of the Rights of Nuclear Victims


[I] The Basis of Rights of Nuclear Victims

  1. The natural world is the foundation of all life, and each human being is an integral member of the human family innately endowed with the right to partake in human civilization with equal rights to life, physical and emotional wellbeing, and a decent livelihood.
  2. All peoples have the right to be free from fear and want, and to live in an environment of peace, health and security.
  3. Each generation has the right to enjoy a sustainable society and the responsibility of effective stewardship for the benefit of the future generations of all living beings.
  4. There exists the inherent dignity of the human person and the right of all peoples to self-determination as enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, the rights to life, health and survival as stipulated in international positive law including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Covenants on Human Rights, and the Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, as well as exists the principle of international customary law which helps to shape the emerging “law of humanity”.


[II] Rights

(1) To alleviate current and prevent future nuclear catastrophes, all persons living in the nuclear age have the right to demand the following:

  1. Not to be exposed to ionizing radiation other than that which occurs in nature or is for medical purposes,
  2. Prohibition of coerced labor involving potential exposure to ionizing radiation, and when labor involving such potential exposure cannot be avoided, for exposure to be minimized,
  3. Minimization of medical exposure to ionizing radiation, and
  4. Full, accurate information regarding the dangers of ionizing radiation exposure through school and community education; this information to include the facts that no level of radiation exposure is without risk and that children, women and girls are especially sensitive to radiation.


(2) Additionally, nuclear victims have the right to demand the following:

  1. Nuclear victims have rights under domestic law derived from human rights and basic freedoms, including personal rights and the right to health.
  2. To receive free of charge the best possible medical care and regular examinations for effects related to past, present and future exposure; this right to extend to the 2nd, 3rd and future generations.
  3. An apology and compensation from the offending party for all damage to life, health, finance, suffering, and culture related to the use of nuclear energy.
  4. The remediation of radiation contaminated land and domicile, and the renewal of community and local culture.
  5. Thorough scientific investigation of the victim’s exposure by competent scientists independent of the offending party, with all findings and information completely open to the public, and the victims themselves involved in the investigation and control of information.
  6. To not be forced to return to radiation contaminated land, and for the freedom to choose whether to evacuate from or remain in a radiation affected area. And, no matter this choice, to receive support to minimize exposure to radiation, protect health, and maintain and rebuild a way of life.
  7. To refuse to work in an environment where radioactive contamination could constitute a health threat, said refusal having no negative ramifications for the victim.


(29/11/’15 update)


WNVF_Fukushima_SpecialAppeal   PDF





March 11, 2011.  It has now been four years and eight months since the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster shocked the world. Even now the disaster has not been resolved nor is it under control, and leaking of “contaminated water” continues.  Families are split apart, and the affected regions have been robbed of their livelihoods, industry and local culture through radioactive contamination which will continue for decades and centuries to come. We can never fully estimate the damage to health from radiation exposure, and its health impacts transcend generations.


Every day, a great number of workers are forced to confront the nuclear power plant and environmental contamination under harsh working conditions and exposure to radiation, as they struggle to bring the disaster under control, decommission the reactors and conduct decontamination efforts. How many years and decades, no, centuries will it take for lives to return to as they were? What immense funds will be required, and how many more people will be sacrificed? The situation is overwhelming.


We will not, we must not, forget Fukushima. This means we must stand side by side with those whose lives and livelihoods are affected by the disaster, and seriously engage with their wish not only for compensation, but for such a disaster to never again be repeated.


The Belarusian author Svetlana Alexievich was awarded this year’s Nobel Prize for Literature, in praise of her work, “Voices of Chernobyl.” The testimonies of victims of the Chernobyl disaster overlap with the situation of those affected by the Fukushima disaster, 25 years later.


Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Alexievich’s Chernobyl and Fukushima are all historic tragedies, representing turning points of an era.


No attempts are being made to take responsibility for the enormous tragedy of the Fukushima nuclear disaster – neither by the Tokyo Electric Power Company Inc. (TEPCO), nor the Japanese government which has promoted nuclear power generation as a national policy. Although the majority of the Japanese public is opposed to promotion of nuclear energy, the government and electric utilities are forcibly going ahead with nuclear restart, even though a major nuclear power plant disaster could once again occur. Furthermore, the government is now attempting to increase the maximum radiation exposure limit for nuclear workers in emergencies, forcing workers to be exposed to high levels of radiation. These are unacceptable actions while there is still no adequate understanding of the causes of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, no progress in measures to bring the accident under control and respond, and importantly, while relief for survivors is being cut.


Within such a situation, the Japanese government is promoting export of nuclear power plants to countries around the world as a main feature of its growth strategy. Citizens in Japan and around the world are raising their voices in strong anger and opposition that Japan – as a country which has experienced the atomic bombings – could go forth with such a policy, not learning from the Fukushima nuclear disaster.


Next year marks thirty years since the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, and five years since Fukushima.


Based on the principle that humanity cannot exist with nuclear weapons and nuclear power, we pledge to join in solidarity and take action for a global policy shift to renewable energy that does not depend on nuclear power, for the abolition of nuclear weapons, and for the protection of humanity and the earth. We declare this Special Appeal, taking the will and suffering of Chernobyl and Fukushima as our own, to work together to realize a nuclear free future.


November 23, 2015

70th Anniversary of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear bombings


For a nuclear free future! May Fukushima be the beginning of the end of the nuclear age!


Participants in the World Nuclear Victims Forum


29/11/’15 update



世界核被害者フォーラム 広島宣言(世界核被害者の権利憲章要綱草案)

広島宣言20151123採択 PDF

世界核被害者フォーラム 広島宣言




1 われわれ、世界核被害者フォーラムに参加した者は、アメリカ政府による原爆投下70周年に当たる2015年の11月21~23日に、ここ広島に集った。

2 われわれは、核被害者を以下のように定義する。すなわち、狭義では、原爆の被爆者、核実験被害者、核の軍事利用と産業利用の別を問わず、ウランの採掘、精錬、核の開発・利用・廃棄の全過程で生じた放射線被曝と放射能汚染による被害者すべてを含む。また、広義では、核時代を終わらせない限り人類はいつでも核被害者=ヒバクシャになりうることを認識して、核と人類は共存できないことをあらためて確認した。

3 われわれは、広島、長崎への原爆投下により、日本人だけでなく、日本の植民地支配と侵略を受けたためにその地にいた朝鮮半島、中国、台湾の人々や連合国の捕虜たちも犠牲になったこと、放射線・熱線・爆風で虐殺され、生存者も「地獄の苦しみ」を味わったことを想起した。また、われわれは、被爆者が、侵略戦争を遂行した日本政府の責任を問い、健康と生活の保障を権利として求め、法律で一定の補償を勝ち取ってきたこと、今なお被爆者が、「国家補償」を被爆者援護法に明記することを求め、被爆したのに、被爆者と認定されない者が権利を求めて闘っていること、核兵器廃絶に加え原発再稼働反対・原発輸出反対、原発事故被害者援護を求めて闘っていることを再確認した。

4 われわれは、2013年にオスロ、2014年にナジャリットとウィーンで開かれた「核兵器の非人道的影響に関する国際会議」の結果として、核兵器爆発が環境、気候、人間の健康、福祉、社会に破滅的な影響をもたらし人類の生存さえ脅かし、対処が不可能であるという認識が国際的に共有されたことを確認した。われわれは、核兵器の禁止と廃絶に向けた法的ギャップを埋めることを誓約し121カ国が賛同している「人道の誓約」を歓迎する。また、われわれは、2015年11月初旬には国連総会第1委員会(軍縮)で、「核兵器のない世界を実現し維持するために締結されるべき効果的な法的措置…および規範を実質的に取り扱う」公開作業部会を開催する決議が、賛成135カ国、反対は12カ国のみで採択されたことを支持する。

5 われわれは、ウラン採掘や精錬、核実験、核廃棄物の投棄が、いまもつづく植民地支配、差別抑圧の下で先住民族の権利-先祖代々の土地と関連する諸権利をふくむ-を侵害しながら強行され、被曝を強要されるとともに、環境を放射能で汚染され、人間生活の基盤をも奪われた核被害者を日々増やし続けていることを確認した。

6 われわれは、核の連鎖が環境を放射能で汚染し生態系を破壊して人間をふくむ生物にさまざまな放射線障害を引き起こしてきたこと、またチェルノブイリに続くフクシマの原発苛酷事故の体験から、原発周辺の広大な地域に住む住民と事故処理労働者が被曝させられること、この過酷事故への対処が不可能であること、さらにはグローバルな放射能汚染を引き起こすことを認識した。また、われわれは、「核の軍事利用」と「核の産業利用」が原子力産業を通じて密接につながっていること、さらに劣化ウランを使用した放射能兵器など核の連鎖が全過程で大量の核被害者を生みだしてきたことを認識した。

7 われわれは、核の連鎖があるかぎり放射能災害の発生を防ぐことはできず、増え続ける核廃棄物の処理・処分の見通しは全く立たないうえ、核汚染は長期にわたり、環境の原状回復は不可能ということから、人類は核エネルギーを使ってはならないと認識した。

8 われわれは、東京原爆訴訟判決(1963年12月)が米軍の原爆投下は国際法違反と認定したこと、国際司法裁判所が「厳格かつ実効的な国際管理のもとで、全面的な核軍縮に向けた交渉を誠実に行い、その交渉を完結させる義務がある」と勧告的意見(1996年7月)を表明したことを知っている。この勧告的意見に基づき、2014年4月、核実験の被害を受けたマーシャル諸島の人々の政府が、国際司法裁判所に、9つの核武装国に対して、提訴したことを支持する。


9 われわれは、核エネルギー政策を推進した国家及び放射能汚染を引き起こした事業者と原発など核施設のメーカーはその株主、債権者が責任を負担することを含めて、加害に対して責任を負うこと、また、原発輸出は人権侵害と環境破壊をもたらす危険があることを主張する。

10 われわれは、国際原子力機関(IAEA)や国際放射線防護委員会(ICRP)が、これまで放射線被曝による被害について過小評価して原発事故などの本当の影響を隠蔽してきたことを弾劾する。また、われわれは、IAEAに与えられた「原子力の平和利用促進」権限の廃止を求める。

11 われわれは、核の利用により、人間の生存の基盤を破壊し、生き物すべての生存を侵害する原因を生み出した者が、軍産官学複合体およびこれを支援する国家であることを指摘する。また、われわれは、これらの軍産官学複合体の構成員の行動が国際人道法、国際環境法および国際人権法の根本原理を侵犯していることを主張する。

12 われわれは、日本政府が、フクシマ事故後も、反省するどころか、適切な事実及び被害調査をせず、被害の実相を隠蔽し矮小化しながら被害者への支援を切り捨てる一方で、原発の再稼動及び海外輸出を行っていることを糾弾し、日本及び世界各地の原発と産業用核施設の建設・運転並びに原発輸出に強く反対する。


14 われわれは、核兵器を禁止し廃絶を命ずる法的拘束力ある国際条約を緊急に締結することを求める。

15 われわれは、劣化ウランを利用した兵器の製造・保有・使用を禁止することを求める。

16 われわれは、今回の世界核被害者フォーラムを契機として、核被害者の情報を共有し、芸術などを含むさまざまな方法やメディアなどの媒体で発信し、共に連帯して闘っていくこと確認した。








1 自然界はすべての生命の基礎であり、人類を構成し文明を享受するすべて人間は個人として生命、身体、精神および生活に関する生来の平等な権利を有する。

2 何人も恐怖と欠乏から免れ、平和で健康で安全に生きる環境への権利を有する。

3 人類の各世代は、あらゆる生物の将来世代の利益を損なわないよう、持続可能な社会を享受する権利がある。

4 国際連合憲章でうたう本来的な人間の尊厳と人民の自決権,世界人権宣言、国際人権規約その他の国際人権文書及び先住民族の権利の宣言など、これらの国際実定法が定める生命、健康と生存に関する諸権利、並びに生成途上にある人類の法の内容をなすべき慣習国際法の原則が存在する。




1 自然放射線・医療用放射線以外の放射線被曝を受けないこと。

2 被曝労働を強制しないこと。被曝労働が回避できない場合には、最小化すること。 3 医療被曝を必要最小限に留めること。

4 放射線被曝の危険性について、正確な情報を学校教育、社会教育を通して提供すること。情報には放射線被曝にリスクのないレベルはなく、とくに子どもや女性は被曝に対する感受性が高いことを含む。



5 人格権、健康権を含むあらゆる人権及び基本的自由に対する核被害者の国内法上の権利を認めること

6 過去、現在と将来の被ばく(被爆・被曝)による健康影響に対する持続的な健康診断と最善の医療の提供を自己負担なく受けること。これには、被ばく(被爆・被曝)2世、3世および将来世代も含む。

7 核利用の結果もたらされたすべての生命と健康、経済、精神、文化への被害について、加害者による謝罪と補償を求めること。

8 放射能で汚染された土地、住居、地域社会の環境の回復および地域(民族)文化の再生を求めること。



11 放射能汚染で健康が害される環境での労働を拒否すること、拒否後も不利益取扱を受けないこと。






(2015年11月29日 update)




福島原発事故特別アピール20151123採択    PDF
















核のない未来を! フクシマを核時代の終わりの始まりに!




(2015/11/26   update)

NABIKEI footprints (NABIKEI の足跡)

<映像ドキュメンタリー上映会> 初公開!

11月22日 18:00-19:00   国際会議場・ヒマワリ

(世界核被害者フォーラム第2日目 セッション終了後)

 Posterto expeiment with

NABIKEI   footprints

A Journey to reveal the legacy of Uranium mining in southwest of USA

Southwest   We live by this Yellow Dirt

Film by Shriprakash

NABIKEI の足跡  アメリカ西南部ウラン鉱山の遺跡を明かす旅    


The American Southwest—especially the sovereign Indigenous nations of Acoma, Laguna, and the Diné or Navajo Nation—has a long history of uranium mining. Once home to a booming economy and proudly called the Uranium Capital of the World, these Indian reservations and poor White communities are now littered with old mines, tailings dams, and other uranium contamination, which is the legacy of this deadly industry.  On the Navajo Nation alone, there are  more than 500 abandoned uranium mine sites that need to be addressed.


In spite of the US government’s Clean Air Act,Safe Drinking Water Act, and the Radiation Exposure and Compensation Act, supposedly strict and powerful regulatory agencies like the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and the United States Environmental Protection Agency are almost helpless to mitigate the contamination left by the nuclear industry.


This film explores how colonialism, which came to the Southwest with Spanish conquest, has changed face in modern time, as it is played out in a new quest for mineral resources.


Contaminated land, water, and air has left these poor communities helpless. Their efforts to gain justice have failed. Indigenous and poverty-stricken communities who suffered the most are trapped and exploited, as new mining companies continue to disregard the health and environment of these people with the lure of a better economy, jobs and new In Situ Leach uranium mining methods.


Unfortunately, this is the same sad story repeated in other parts of the world including India, but in India it is the government itself undertaking the enterprise and repeating the same degradation in Jadugoda (Jharkhand).








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